The Little Things Newsletter #294 – Home Sweet Home

Sean is home!!! We are overwhelmed with gratefulness for all of the people who have kept us in their thoughts and prayers this week. While I was unable to reply to all the emails we have received, I’ve treasured every single one.

The prayers, the kind words, the scriptures you’ve sent to us are priceless reminders that God is good. Thank you more than I could possibly say for including our family in your prayers.

We have oxygen service set up at our home now and Sean is able to walk all over the first floor of the house. He’s easily had 20x the amount of movement here compared to what was possible in the hospital and the increased movement has helped so much already.

Oscar has been at Sean’s side constantly. I think our sweet dog is nearly as happy as we are to have Sean home with us. Sean continues to show improvement by the day, even by the hour sometimes. It feels like just being home has made him stronger.

We know that the healing process will take a while and there is a long way to go. There was a great deal of damage done to his lungs. But today we are praising God and thanking Him for the amazing amount of healing that has already been done.

“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” 1 Chronicles 16:8 NIV

Please continue to pray for every single person working in the hospitals right now. We’re praying strength and wisdom and health for every one of them.

I’ll close by saying that I am writing this tonight as I sit listening to Sean snore. The snoring that may have annoyed me at times in the past, has never been more precious to me. It’s proof of life, and I am so very thankful for it.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”Matthew 11:28 NIV

We are grateful for friends that pushed us to accept help. Meals are being delivered and I know that can pick up the phone and ask for help if needed.

I’m taking life slowly, day by day and hour by hour. My priorities right now are Sean’s needs, life at home, and keeping everyone healthy. That’s it.

I’m allowing myself as much time as needed before I even think about work again. The recipes are here for anyone who wants them and the website will be just fine without me for a while.

“Every time I think of you, I thank my God.”Philippians 1:3 CEV

The post The Little Things Newsletter #294 – Home Sweet Home appeared first on Barefeet in the Kitchen.

from Barefeet in the Kitchen Mary Younkin
